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between a roux and a bechamel

Sunday, August 13, 2006

I <3 Football

Alyssa was the first to cross the finish line and got me that Clinton Portis tshirt I mentioned for my bday, so don't rush out to the Redskins Store next week. Oh, and, it's pretty much the coolest tshirt ever.

In other Redskins related news (and no, I'm not talking about the near heart attack I had when Portis went down), I've been informed that I apparently become a different person when I start talking football. Liz has mentioned something about this to me in the past, but my mom summed it up as follows: "In every other respect, you're such a girl. But as soon as you start talking about the Redskins, your voice drops, the tone completely changes, you start dropping stats and hyperbolic statements, and you take on mannerisms... like you're a guy with a huge neck." So, if you see me from afar, moving my jaw with determination, I'm probably just talkin 'bout the Skins.


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