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between a roux and a bechamel

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Soapy clean incest

The NY Mag Gossip Girl girls posted a chat about whether it'd be incest -- and whether it'd be gross -- if Rufus & Lilly got married and Dan & Serena stayed together. Their verdict: no, not so much. It's an interesting topic, but let's not forget: coupling that's a little close for comfort is a time honored tradition in soap opera land. I can't even count how many questionable relationships have happened in Springfield or Oakdale in my lifelong enjoyment of the shows (countless people wedding fathers and sons, distant cousin relationships a-go-go, and of course plenty of "we fell in love, and then found out we're siblings!" story lines). The greatest/grosses, however, obviously being Jonathan & Tammy on Guidling Light. These two were actual first cousins (well maybe half first cousins somehow, but, their mothers are sisters. it was gross.), and the issue was never even ADDRESSED on the show. Well, it may have been -- this happened mostly after I got a Grown Up Job so I wasn't watching the daytime soaps like I used to. But in what I did see, all sorts of family members took all sorts of issues to their coupling -- but not once did I see an argument hinged around their familial closeness. And they were a central couple on the show for a few years! Anyway, I really just wanted to write this post to make use of one of my favorite quotes from The O.C., as Julie Cooper and Caleb Nichol prepare to wed:

Seth: Yeah, yeah. Me and Marissa? We could be related. I don’t know. I can’t even do the math. But the real kicker is … Julie Cooper: My Grandma. My Grandma wears Uggs. Think about it.

Update: By the end of the show, I think nearly every single character was related in some way (mostly by marriage). Awesome visual to come as soon as I scan it.

OC Family Tree


Blogger the Nabob said...

Clearly, the real grossness here is the misappropriation of office supplies.

2:08 PM  

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