blogs t r e t c h

between a roux and a bechamel

Sunday, February 06, 2005

Oh Oh My My Goodness Goodness

Well, the Ikea saga continues. In order to avoid throwing my entier moral fiber under the buss and borrowing a gun and or flame thrower from someone and taking matters into my own hands, I've decided to rely on a more passifistic approach, because quite frankly I was going a little nuts. That doesn't mean I won't continue to persue reparations, but, I'm trying to keep the frustration levels minimal.

Anyhow, aside from all of that steaming dog crap, the weekend hasn't been half bad. Got to see some John Lane (haHA!), did some happy houring at the Front Page, drinking through my "brouth" with the self proclaimed "Most interesting human I've ever" - Drew, a.k.a. Christian, realized the random connections between his friend Janet and Diana, got obliterated with some DUcks, sat around ripping CDs, reading "Cat's Cradle," eating 40 spices hummus, waiting for Ikea (still what I'm doing right now), did some home improvement type stuff with the help of the world's most generous and industrious mom (who also gave me a new vaccuum for valentines day, so romantic), had people (and Missy) over to chill here and had a great time as Felicia stumbled with the card reading in Trivial Persuit and Liz got irate about switching seats in ass hole...this sentence is absurdly long, but, I'm gonna just keep rollin with it...went to J.V.'s to get our Jail House Rock on (as Liz and I were wearing matching blackand white striped shirts, and the band was jonesing for Elvis big time, not that I blame them), came home and drunkenly baked cookies, as we all know I love to do, and played more trivial persuit, helped lizzard take out her contacts, woke up to wait for ikea.....and here I am.

I'm gettin ready to head over to a Super Bowl party at my dad's place. I would love to be able to make a dip or something to bring with me, but I am eternally chained to the powers of the bed that just won't come, so I can't make it to the grocery store. *Sniff.

One of the brightest spots of the past week is the cheetah cubs at the National Zoo. I haven't gone to see them, but ohmigod, they could not be cuter. Those little face stripes just kill me. You can watch them on the CheetahCam - which I'm having trouble linking to at the moment, so...find it?

And in summation, the whole point of me blogging right now was just to post a vonnegut quote...ohmigod, i just thought i heard a truck outside....false alarm. To the always refreshing vonnegut and his relentless ability to turn a phrase:

"All of the true things I am about to tell you are shameless lies."

Alright, who brought the bag of dirt?


Blogger Blogs t r e t c h said...

Note: Drew's quote was actually that he was the most memorable, not interesting, person he'd ever met.

11:32 PM  

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