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between a roux and a bechamel

Thursday, November 17, 2005


ike spivey: movies have really blown for like the last 3 months and now there're like 40 I want to see

True story Ike! This lead me, of course, to list building. So here you go: Movies I Want To See. Join me, won't you?

  1. Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. NO DUH! I'm so stoked for this movie. I've had the "Difficult Times Lay Ahead, Harry" poster pinned to my work bulletin board for months now. It's probably my favorite of the HP books. The trailers are rock em sock em. Each movie has been so perfectly cast and directed to go along with the feel of each book. I can not WAIT for this. I'm going this afternoon to buy tickets to see it tomorrow night. (Remember, I'm the girl that had tickets weeks before the first movie came out, and threw an HP-themed party ~ with Betsy, of course ~ to commemorate the premeir.)
  2. Jarhead. Jake, Jamie and Kanye. I would pay $6.50 (horrifying matine price) just to watch the commercial play on repeat for 2 hours. Add a plot and hot damn is this one I'm dyin' to see.
  3. Walk The Line. I'm a sucker for a biopic. And I've got a soft spot for Reese Witherspoon. And if the press on this movie were any more glowing, it'd be swimming around the 'glades on Invasion.
  4. Shopgirl. The reviews haven't been stellar, but my MSCL loving self can't stay away from a Claire Danes movie.
  5. Rent. Played out as it may be, I'm stoked to see this. I loved the play a lot the two times I saw it in high school. And come on, who doesn't love a musical? Unless you've got a lump of coal for a heart, actors who break into song warm the coggles of your heart. It's a fact.
  6. Bee Season. Before Spellbound, I probably wouldn't have perked up to this trailer as much as I did. But now, combine spelling bees with a heart warming story of a family overcoming its problems and reuining, and Juliet Binoche and well, that sounds good to me.
  7. The Squid and the Whale. Seems like it's got a little bit of a Wes Anderson feel goin on here. I could be totally wrong. But I've read that the soundtrack is mind blowing, and that the movie matches it step for step.
  8. The Aristocrats. I should have seen it a long time ago, but this is pretty much reknowned as the funniest damn thing to ever come to movie theaters.
  9. Yours, Mine and Ours. Psych. Definitely not on my list.
  10. The Libertine. It's got Depp. Johnny Depp. That's enough to get me there.
There are others, I'm sure, but those are what came to mind. Also, things that I never caught in theaters - like You And Me And Everyone We Know, and March of the Penguins - still gotta catch those. I'm too lazy to link-ify this post right now, but, knock yourselves out. And if you want to join me in catching any of these, let me know!


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