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between a roux and a bechamel

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

I like Rogue Wave

This band Rogue Wave has been popping up in my life so much in the past week I couldn't avoid buying their album. I went on a bit of a soundtrack binge last week - Stubbs The Zombie (so awesome), Grey's Anatomy, and The OC Mix 5 (note: I already had about 70% of these songs this time around, but, as you may have noticed, I'm sorta kinda pressed for the show. I own the other soundtracks and now kind of feel like it's a collection. Also, the liner notes are always quite enjoyable, particularly this time, as they feature the "yearbook signatures" of the cast to one another.). Two of the three soundtracks featured R.W. songs. I really, really liked both songs. Then suddenly everytime I opened a magazine or a website, BLAM! There they were, all over it. Alright already, I get it! I bought their album, Descended Like Vultures, on iTunes last night. So far so great! I haven't given it a thorough listen (i.e., at least 3 times through) yet, but my hopes are high.

Another band that's been popping its little head up quite a bit lately is Clem Snide. I hearted them, a lot, in college. From shows in DC to general media love, they're popping up all over again. I'll have to revisit.

Check out the newest Music Roundtable on DCist.

Another thing I love and have loved for quite sometime has some news: Buffy! A new collector's edition DVD is coming out of alllllllll of the episodes. While I already have them all as individual seasons and won't be purchasing, this site's posted some of the special features, with some interviews and highlights. Enjoy, Buffyfiles.


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