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Thursday, November 17, 2005

This Year in the Bluzz Factory

UPDATE: Holy crap, Kyle! You got linked (kinda like getting served, but with less spinning) on Pop Candy (formerly Hip Clicks), a blog I read always. Nice!

Boy. Our friendly neighborhood Information Leaf Blower's exercise in ranking sure has the tongues of the music blog world wagging. The individual contributors have revisited their picks, and the blogosphere at large (very narrowly defined here, out of pure and simple bias) has taken notice. Nicely done, Kyle. Because I spend way too much time and money thinking about this particular subject, I feel compelled to weigh in. The mission as presented to the distinguished panel of music bloggers was to submit:

the 10 best American bands that they've seen or heard in the last year. The purpose of this list is to reward bands for generating buzz in the year 2005. This isn't a ranking of career longevity.

Please re-read that to make sure you got it. This is NOT an all-time-favorites list. This is who, since January 1, 2005, has piqued your interest, done new and exciting things, pushed you to a record store or concert venue, or made you bluzz yourself. (By the way, Ryan, I love that term.) This is why your favorite bands may not be on the list. In 2005, I continued to love The Beatles. But in 2005, The Beatles didn't release a thought provoking album or push my buttons or tour. (The extremity of my example was chosen for emphasis. I'm not a dumb ass.) I'd say a good 95% of the commentary I've read in regards to this whole polling process circles around that one particular issue. There's a very narrow focus here, so get with it. You may have gotten stoned and thought about The Flaming Lips a lot this year, but did they prod the world at large? No. Not this year.

Moving on.

My Personal 2005 Bluzz Factory
Note: I benefit from having read the aforementioned lists and revisitations before making my own. If I were pulling out of thin air, I'd probably omit things that I never intended to, etc. I've got the leg up of backpacking on ingenuity, rather than producing my own. Also, so much of what I would say to support my choices has already been said. I'll only clarify where I feel it's necessary. No need for repetition.

1. The Decemberists

2. Brendan Benson: For shame in not including him on the list. By far the album that I listened to more than any other this year, and one of the best shows I saw. I can't wait to see what he does next.

3. Spoon

4. Death Cab For Cutie: A few years ago, my cousin (who was around 15 at the time, and even then knew more about music thanI could ever hope to) described Death Cab by saying, "Oh yeah, these guys are major." He was definitely right, they were major then. But with a fantastic discography behind them, they dropped Plans this year (and I don't care what anyone has to say about it, I love this album. I love it so much. You don't think it's all that Death Cab is supposed to be? I think that bringing me near tears everytime track 5 comes on is just about all any band can strive for. It was #2 to Alternative to Love in albums I nearly burned a hole in my iPod listening to so much this year) and (not just because it was their major label debut, but because the stars were aligned in their favor) blew up. In my eyes and everyone else's. I heart DCFC.

5. Interpol. Sure, they didn't do too much this year, save some remixes and iTunes exclusives, but I did spend much of this year going googley-eyed everytime the sounds of Antics entered my system. For me, January through April or so of this year was all about Interpol.

6. The White Stripes: Again, I don't care what any of you have to say. Get Behind Me Satan intrigued me more than any other WS album before it, and more than so many of the other albums I heard this year. In fact, I'd never been that partial to them previously, but it made me revisit their other work again. "Little Ghost" and "Doorbell" are two of the catchiest songs to come out in many moons, in my humble opinion. Liking this album apparently makes me totally uncool amongst the indie music blogger set, but whatever. It's a shame I'm willing to deal with.

7. Sufjan Stevens. Number one among bloggers and industry list makers alike. The man with the concept came on strong this year. And acted as the back drop to one of my favorite family moments of this year.

8. Kanye West

9. Rilo Kiley. In my top 5 of live shows this year without a doubt. Sure More Adventurous dropped in '04, but I really bonded with it this year. And, Portions for Foxes provided a catch phrase that Alan and I will be uttering to each other until we're senile. Which really is good news.

10. Beck. Guero was solid, brought him back to funk after Sea Change, and holy crap, I found out he was a Scientologist this year. Actually that docked him a few respect points, but it certainly caught my attention.

Much respect, seriously, for inclusion of Kelly Clarkson on the list. It's undeniable that she had a huge year and shocked a lot of the music world by how much they appreciated her album. I still wag the OVER RATED (say it like you're at FedEx field yelling at Shockey) finger at: Bright Eyes, The Fiery Furnaces, Animal Collective and Gwen Stefani. I know what you're thinking - "But Amanda, I thought you loved Gwen Stefani?! You do that hilarious impression of her! You love her, right?" Actually, no. I've never loved her. The first time I saw the "I'm Just A Girl" video, I wanted to drop kick my tv. I've enjoyed the occasional No Doubt moment, and she's certainly done plenty to ride the wave of success as far as she can take it, but she still rubbs me wrong. I respect her, but I'd rather listen to soooooooo many things before her fake-Japanese-girl-gang-imbibed album. But yeah, I do love "Hollaback Girl." I do suppose Green Day came back and came back strong this year, but to be honest, I haven't really liked a single thing I've heard off the new album. I can appreciate all of the things that have been said about it, but it's left me cold. No disrespect, Billie Joe. You were the central inspiration behind my 7th grade year, and I'll love ya for it long time.

I know that I have a lot more to say on this topic, but the multitasking is wearing me down. Until I can conjur additional thoughts, talk amongst yourselves.


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